CSR Policy & Management

LinkMisr acknowledges its fiduciary and societal responsibilities to its shareholders, clients, suppliers, workforce, and other invested parties. Our unwavering dedication lies in conducting business operations that foster sustainable and profitable growth while upholding both legal mandates and ethical principles. Our strategic pursuits are driven by a responsible approach, taking into account the economic, social, and environmental consequences of our endeavors.

Our paramount commitment entails conducting a thorough evaluation and ongoing monitoring of the consequences of our operations, benchmarked against globally accepted standards. This includes compliance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and adherence to ISO 18001.


With regards to environmental matters, we diligently strive to curtail the ecological footprint left by our actions. This entails preempting pollution, curtailing waste generation, propagating sound environmental management practices, and implementing environmental management systems rigorously scrutinized in line with ISO 14001 standards.

Healthy & Safe:

Prioritizing the well-being of our personnel and ensuring their safety is a cornerstone of our philosophy. We recognize our responsibility to safeguard their welfare and acknowledge the intrinsic value of a secure working environment. Our constant pursuit is marked by a commitment to continuously elevate our health and safety management systems and practices, in harmony with the principles enshrined in ISO 18001.



Factory: 10 th of Ramadan City - Zone B4 - Area 30 / Zone A2 - Egypt
Alexandria Sales: 18 Surya St. El-Hekma Tower - Egypt

